Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank you Girlia

Hi everyone,

My husband went to the mail box today and handed me a letter. It was this beautiful card that I had seen on Girlia's blog, such a sweet jester and for me to be the recipient of it just puts me in awe...

I just want to say "Thank you" for all that you do, you really can meet some great people on here and she has become a very good friend.

You may enter her blog here, make sure you become a follower and see all the wonderful things she makes!!

Once again Gloria, Thank You

Have a blessed day everyone!

1 comment:

girlia said...

Melissa, I am humbled and really at a loss for words. I did not imagine that you would post this card. I want to say Thank you. I have really learned so much from our friendship. I am in total agreement with you. "You really can meet some extraordinary people and you are one of them." Thanks again for all your help and support.