Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Action Wobble Halloween Blog Hop!!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

Welcome to the Action Wobble Halloween Blog Hop!!!! 

OMGosh, I was sooo excited when I was asked to be a member of this team! Who doesn't like Action Wobbles? They add just that perfect fun touch to any card, L/O or project! With that being said, what better day than October 31st to get this House Hoppin Halloween Blog Hop Party started!!!! If you were coming by to visit and would like to participate in the hop, how about starting at the beginning by clicking here! If you came from the one and only amazing Schell, then your in the right house!

Now onto my card, I wanted to make a fun card that any kid or adult child would I found these cute little ghost and goblins at Tuesday Morning, aren't they just adorable??? 
 The stamps are from Cardz TV   and there are action wobbles under each image!
This card will fit into a standard business size envelope and I have a video to explain what I did!
I was a little nervous in the video, this is only my third one, but who knows, I may have more to come. Please excuse all the

Why don't you give it a try and send me a link to see how yours came out. Make sure you pick up your Action Wobbles  here to complete your projects!  

What's a hop without blog candy, the Action Wobble blog will be giving away a Royal Package, too cool, right?? In order to win you must comment on all the blogs and be followers, so make sure you start at the beginning!!! However I will also have some candy up for grabs as well, I will be giving away a pack of Action Wobbles, just leave me a comment and I will use to select a winner!

I hope you have enjoyed my card and video, now it's time to Hop on over to your next Halloween House with fabulously talented Lisa!

Here is the Blog Hop line up just in case you get lost along the way!


girlia said...

Great card. Love the "uniqueness" of it. Truly inspired. Saw the video...nice job

Life and Knits said...

Congrats!! Love the video!!! Great job. Such cute cards. Love them all.


Tracey said...

Awesome set of cards .....really cool images. I can just imagine the monsters wobbling .

snappy scrappy said...

These are just adorable!! Lee-Ann :)

Rachel Miller said...

Very cute!!!

Lisa Norris said...

What a fun unique and fun! Awesome video, too! :D

Unknown said...

what a unique and fun card!!! you didnt seem nervous to me in ur video! im now a follwer

Unknown said...

Adorable! Love those action wobbles! I use them all the time! Diana Tuttle

Annette said...

Awesome card and video! Happy Halloween:)

My Mind's Dust Bunnies

Kate said...

WOW this seriously looks amazing. Love the spiderweb borders too.

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

This is Great Melissa. Love how this came out. I almost thought it was three separate mini cards. Smooches...

Maria said...

great project

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Jovan said...

OMG...Melissa this card is AWESOME! I love the shape and details! The way you did the spider web frames is GREAT!

The Scrapbooking Queen said...

Awesome love your cards they are awesome
The Queen

ShersL84bed said...

Love these! These would make cute little decorations for the wall even. Super cute cards.

Smiles Sher

Pam said...

What darling little monsters! Hoppy Halloween!

Gwen said...

Melissa, this card just rocks!! It is so cute and clever, love the design of it!! Congrats on the DT for action wobbles awesome!

Unknown said...

Melissa, Happy Halloween, your projects are adorable, and you put alot of work into them,
I love your blog too, following you Boo!!!!!

Lizzie Laine said...

WOW, this is a fantastic card! So much great detail-Love it!


Rhonda Miller said...

These are soo cute.

Migdalia said...

Super Duper Cute card!Amazing job!
Happy Halloween,

Shar said...

Love these cute little wobbly creatures!!! Great job, Melissa!

Adrian said...

Wow, great video!!! Love the card:)

Janis Lewis said...

These are so fun and CUTE! :) Janis

Sue D said...

Awesome card and great video!
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Ryansmaama said...

Super cute card. I have become a follower of your blog and look forward to what you have to share with us.--Ryansmaama

Prettiful Creations said...

Oh my goooooodness...I am in love with these.
I am a new follower
Kgprevost at sbcglobal dot net

marg0006 said...

Your monsters are so cute and scary. Love the spider punch around the card.

marg0006 at verizon dot net

DIANA L. said...

These are so cute great little wobblers
Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday challenge.

Stephanie said...

Those are fantastic & SO much fun - love them! x

Schell said...

Oh my gosh Melissa, that is too cute! Love those little monsters :o)

ScrappinBrosia said...

love this. so cute! :)
Amber @

Unknown said...

I love this card Melissa. Shake, rattle and roll, lol. I am a new follower. TFS~ Mary M

TheTulipCollector said...

Magnificent Monsters. Bootiful

Jingle said...

These are just adorable! I love action wobbles!

Vicky said...

WOWZER your card iss oo cute and fun I love it.

"Midge" said...

Magnificent little monsters!

Hushgirl said...

That is a really great card! Lots of detail! I love those little monsters too!

tiffany said...

love these monsters!! Great to have you joining in the challenge at Twisted Tuesday! =) Tiffany

Joy said...

Fabulous and fun shaped cards and I love that you added the wobbler on there, super cute... thanks for joining us at Simon Says Challenge blog